Achievement Details
Year 2015
Prompt Plast Services Establishment
Year 2016
Reprocess Material Trading
Year 2017
1st RP Manufacturing Unit Start up. Total capacity 50MT
Year 2017
Quality Lab establishment, ISO certificate achieved
Year 2018
2rd RP Manufacturing Unit Start up, Total capacity 100MT
Year 2019
Trade Name PROPL - Registered
Year 2019
1st RP Manufacturing Unit Start up. Total capacity 200MT
Year 2020
Madurai Keezhadi Unit start up by combining 2 units, In house Washing Units started
Year 2022
2nd RP Manufacturing Unit Start up, Total capacity 300MT
Year 2023
Own Scrap collection and crushing activity started Tie up with Oman company to get regular Reprocess Granules to meet our customers demand
Year 2024
3rd RP Manufacturing Unit Start up, Total Capacity - 450MT Tie up with Saudi Arabia I Polymers co company for value added Scrap supply